Coalition for Community & Healthcare Acquired Infection Reduction
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How will CHAIR Achieve It's Goals?

Key Steps


Beyond participating in clinical trials, CHAIR members will undertake the following:


  • Determine and define antimicrobial in real world environments (establish operational definition of what it means to be antimicrobial)
  • Develop a CSA Standard for antimicrobial touch surfaces.
  • Establish a CSA Certification program for antimicrobial products with criteria for understanding when a product has met or surpassed the standard.
  • Conduct rapid and accurate baseline and on-going monitoring assessments of HAI rates.
  • Resolve logistics issues involved in conducting trials (i.e., tracking coated items in mobile usage environments)
  • Engage top decision makers to overcome roadblocks to good information and to reduce budget silos.
  • Establish 30-year operational analyses and strategy across Ministries of Health and Healthcare Facilities.
  • Establish a recognition program for antimicrobial products.


CHAIR is a working coalition.

Our members are ready to take action and to implement engineered solutions focusing on air, water, UV light and touch surfaces that will actively reduce pathogen transmission in community and healthcare environments in a meaningful and significant manner.